It has only four buttons total, plus a wizard that walks you through the setup process. Certainly you’ll need to follow the directions and allow an hour for setup, but after that it’s deadly. The $829 Oracle is an amazing bow sight that virtually eliminates the time and thought involved in ranging an animal and choosing online bookkeeping the correct pin. It’s a balance between the all-digital Garmin and the more traditional sight-plus-rangefinder IQ Define. Installation and setup was not overly difficult but required systematically following the directions. I found the Oracle wasn’t as easy to set up as the Xero, mainly due to the lack of a wizard.
When narrowing down the top brands to choose just five sights, we made sure to pick the top brand in each class. Below, you’ll find our top digital sight pick, single-pin, 2-pin, 3-pin, and 5-pin options that are all perfect for an elk hunt. By choosing the correct sight to match your bow and preferences, garmin xero legal states you’ll extend your range and increase your accuracy between the optimal 40 to 60 yards. Additionally, you might even want to consider a digital sight to go a smidge beyond 60. Like all important elk hunting gear, choosing the best bow sight for elk hunting comes down to your preference.
Push a button and get an instant yardage reading. Once the range is acquired, the scope immediately calculates bolt trajectory and illuminates a single aiming point for dead-on accuracy at any distance up to 80 yards. The end result is simple, one button operation for shooters who can quickly complete the shot process in three easy steps — range, aim, shoot. If money is no object, technology is your friend, and you’re hunting states that are friendly to electronics, the Garmin Xero may be the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Garmin Xero A1 Bow Sight
It’s like something off of Star Trek or Terminator. I have seen computerized rifle scopes with that type of compensation and built in adjustment type stuff but this is the first time I have ever seen it for compound bows.
Interesting technology but I wouldn’t want one on my bow. They are probably a proprietary battery that’s hard to get.
There are many mornings I hunt where condensation would be a issue. I do a bunch of film and encounter these issues quite often. I know that some will say the lens is antiglare. I haven’t seen a anti glare screen of any type that lives up to its “antiglare” mantra. I think it would be great at the range or a controlled environment or if you are a fair weather hunter. I am from a warm weather state so I do not know how it will react in the very cold snowy conditions, but it has rained during my shooting, without effecting the sight or bow.
Best Simple, Single Pin Bow Sight: Hha Tetra Max
Garmin does not publish the bowhunting regulations for each state as they vary and can change from year to year. We hope this article has answered your questions in regards to the legality of the Garmin Xero Bow Sight. ALWAYS review your desired state’s bowhunting regulations to confirm if the Xero A1 or A1i are legal to use. Makes a compound even more point and shoot and further from a traditional bow. However, that exact point has merit to many people. That is very true to those who simply want to extend their season and better chances at tagging out. Just like fishing for planters, if you’re not into it, don’t do it.
“Our engineers considered unit failure, and engineered and tested this sight to be as rugged as possible – looking at vibration, temperature, water resistance, and many other factors,” Gartner said. Garmin, who assured me these were things they already thought through. Gartner said that in fact, the sight is a lot lighter than you would think. It’s almost directly comparable to other single pin, industry leading bow sights. Looking at this new bow sight, I can see hunters benefiting in the field tremendously. There will be less movement if you’re not using a rangefinder. If a deer moves while you’re at full draw, you no longer have to guess how much further or closer it went.
Garmin Has Released A New Bow Sight That Ranges And Then Provides The Corresponding Pin To The Distance
With the flick of your wrist, you can open or close the fixed pins to open your sight picture or hedge your bets. This sight truly aims to provide the best of both worlds. A bow must be pulled, held and released by hand. Any release aid may be used providing it is hand operated, the shooter supports the draw weight of the bow, and the release is not attached to any part of the bow other than the bowstring. Bows used for hunting elk and moose must have at least , 50 pounds of draw at 28 inches or less draw length.
- Plus, when you drop some green on a Tetra Max, you get a pair of yardage wheels, which means you can swap setups in seconds.
- Using the rangefinder while not at full draw requires installing the provided rear sight.
- When it froze up, I would hold down the off button until it shut off.
- I really don’t think I could align the range reticle and fixed pin sight any tighter.
It’s a question archers, and likely wildlife managers and legislators, will soon have to answer with the introduction of the Garmin Xero range-finding bow sight. Ever since the Garmin Xero bow sight came into the hunting world a lot of people had the same question, “Is this sight legal for me to hunt with? ” To help figure out what states you can and cannot hunt in with the Garmin Xero, here are some frequently asked questions and answers regarding the legal use of the XeroA1 and A1i bow sight. For fans of a single-pin moveable sight, the HHA Optimizer Ultra is the first place to look.
It’s up to you to decide which cons don’t matter to you and which pros matter most to you. If you’re someone who’s accustomed to using a 5 to 7 pin sight, then making the switch to a single pin or double pin sight will most likely feel awkward at first. Having said that, we know experienced hunters who are glad to have switched to a single pin for a clearer field of view. After you evaluate the type of hunting you do, and honestly evaluate the distances you intend to shoot, you must consider price and features.
CNC-machined from aircraft-grade aluminum, the build is sturdy and pin brightness is solid. The Spot Hogg Triple Stack is a durable, high-tech bow sight. I have a $50 sliding sight and a great Nikon Rangefinder I bought off archery talk for $75. Now for how it works, I push the button and can either use singal pin or click the button again for multi pin . As far as the pin brightness, I recommend takinging it off auto brightness, as I did, and turn pin brightness all the way up, do the same with the backlight. Was wondering when theyd come out with basically a red dot for archery hunters.
Elk Hunting Bow Sight Reviews
And finally, they aren’t legal in some states, so check game laws before investing. Nonetheless, laser-rangefinding sights make a lot of sense. Here’s a comparison of three top units on the market, so you’ll know their pros, cons and prices before you consider bolting one to your bow.
That allows you to practice the use of it while also practicing your shooting while keeping any competitors out there from getting all jacked up about the guy they see using one. I don’t disagree with any of this, the bits i’ve read / watched about the xero is is certainly takes time / “calibration” to dial everything in. Lets be honest simply changing your draw strings will change the xero’s calibration thus you’ll need to dial it in again. So hypothetically speaking if Oregon would say “sights like the xero are legal,” I would have to say Ok, then rifle should be legal to use during the rut, and have a month long season. I know the Burris Eliminator is also illegal to hunt with . If your not familiar with this rifle scope it offers similar technology, in terms of drop compensation.
The second fiber optic correlates to a second pointer on the yardage dial, giving you two precise yardages with aiming points. It is unlawful for any person to hunt big game animals with a bow that does not produce a minimum of 40 pounds of pull measured at twenty-eight inches or less draw length. It is unlawful to hunt big game animals with any arrow measuring less than 20 inches in length or weighing less than 6 grains per pound of draw weight with a minimum arrow weight of 300 grains. Any compound bow of 30 pounds or more draw weight; any recurve, longbow or self-bow of 40 pounds or more draw weight.
Third, the A1i allows you to customize your configurations to single-pin, multi-pin, and manual pin. Fourth, the long 1-year battery life on a single set of batteries is a luxury.
The next advantage of a three-pin sight is less clutter in your field of view compared to choosing a 5 to 7 pin sight. Although, this goes back to your preference because there are very proficient elk hunters who still prefer 5 to 7 pin sights.
It is the responsibility of the hunter to know the specific bow hunting regulations for their state and hunting region. Garmin & Shrewd Archery do not publish the bow hunting regulations for each state as they vary and can change from year to year. Review your desired state’s bow hunting regulations to confirm if the Xero A1 or A1i are legal to use. Once calibrated, shooting a crossbow with a Xero X1i installed is so simple that it is almost hard to accept. In a perfect world, archers would have a single pin that was set at the precise yardage, which is why the best target archers in the world use a single pin.
These 3 pins will always appear away from your aiming pins. State regulations vary widely regarding the use of bow-mounted electronic devices. So, before you rush out and add the Xero X1i to your crossbow, make sure it is legal where and how you intend to use it. Once the scope and remote trigger are mounted on your crossbow, you are ready to head to the range and complete the initial scope calibration. The Xero X1i really shines in this area, as the scope literally walks shooters through the initial calibration process with on screen instructions that can be seen simply by looking through the scope.
I highly recommend spending the money and getting the highest quality sight you can afford. Unlike the other electronic rangefinding bowsights, the Define does not require you to refinance your home in order to purchase it. This is primarily because, for all intents and purposes, this is simply a multi-pin sight that has an ergonomically integrated rangefinder attached to it. This setup is truly lethal given the fact that you have eliminated the need to range before you draw your bow.
If I was still shooting a compound , I’d be looking to purchase one for sure. I put a new sight on my bow last summer, but I am thinking I might give this a try. Hopefully I will add a long term review of the sight sometime in the future. The use of a lamp or lantern that does not cast a directional beam of light. Except as otherwise authorized by this section, it is unlawful to use an artificial light to assist in the taking of a game bird, game mammal, or game fish.
But I am concerned about those batteries in the elk woods. If it had a physical flip-up pin or an etched dot in the pane what are retained earnings for emergencies, I’d probably be sold. In essence it’s a high-end sight with micro- and third-axis adjustments.
Author: Stephen L Nelson